Subject: Emergency – home needed for a cat

By | April 30, 2001

As I was searching through my old posts to Usenet, I came across the following message that I posted in June 1996. Anyone who knows me will know just how devastated I was to have to write this message. On the plus side, these two cats did go to a great home. I still miss them dearly, though. It was incredibly hard to give them up.

I should also note that none of the contact information listed in this message is valid any longer. For some reason, I find that VERY funny.


From: Michael R Fierro (
Subject: Emergency – home needed for a cat
Newsgroups: co.fort-collins,
Date: 1996/06/24

Actually, I have two cats that I need to find good homes for.

Both cats are neutered males, completely housebroken, very lovable and

PJ is 3 years old. He is part tabby and part Siamese, with classic
tabby markings. He is a very laid-back cat who absolutely hates flying

Rani is 2.5 years old. He is a mix. He is incredibly cute, with very
long whiskers. If you see him, you’ll fall in love with him.

My landlord will no longer allow me to keep cats, so I must give them

I can be reached at:

970-635-0719 (home)
970-635-4551 (cell)
970-635-7483 (work)

Please help me find a home for these two precious animals.

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