Greetings! You have reached an on-going project of mine called the New Testament In Review (or NTiR, for short). I started this project out of love for David Plotz’s “Blogging the Bible series on Plotz is a fantastic writer, and he had one of the most brilliant and unique ideas: he read the Old Testament and blogged about what he read. It ended up being a masterpiece. The only problem was that the series came to an end; Plotz stopped at the end of the Old Testament.
I started this project in April 2010 and finished on December 31st of that same year.
This page serves as the Table of Contents for my series, allowing you to get to any article as quickly as possible. As such, this page should update frequently.
On to the good stuff!
Getting the ball rolling Link
The Gospels
Gospel According to Matthew
- Matthew 1-7: Prophecies fulfilled. And more prophecies. And even more…
- Matthew 8-15: Miracles, John the Baptist returns and Jesus battles the Pharisees
- Matthew 16-23: Matthew has a bad acid trip, while Jesus continues his ministry in some of my favorite scriptures from the entire Bible
- Matthew 24-28: Matthew turns stone cold, the Roman power structure confuses me, and Christ suffers more misery than anyone should have to deal with
Gospel According to Mark
- Mark 1-8: Jesus tries to hide his identity, but makes himself famous by performing miracles
- Mark 9-16: The end already? Shortest Gospel EVER!!!
Gospel According to Luke
- Luke 1-6: Luke is one hell of a writer, and delivers the best book in the whole Bible
- Luke 7-12: Luke 7, the most wondrous chapter in the Bible
- Luke 13-18: Jesus sings, but does he dance?
- Luke 19-24: Luke gives a different tale of Christ’s death
Gospel According to John
- John 1-6: John 3:16 makes me shudder in horror
- John 7-12: Jesus and the Pharisees call each other names
- John 13-18: I’ll leave the foot washing to Jesus
- John 19-21: John writes a new end to the Gospels
Acts of the Apostles
- Acts 1-4: Luke makes Acts of the Apostles bearable
- Acts 5-8: Everyone goes a little nutso
- Acts 9-12: Worms!!!
- Acts 13-16: Why wouldn’t Jesus want a Pharisee as the head of his church?
- Acts 17-21: Peter who? It’s Paul’s ball now
- Acts 22-24: Cliffhanger: what does Paul say?
- Acts 25-28: Is Paul cursed? Death imminent?
Paul’s letters
- Romans 1-4: Letters, we get letters…
- Romans 5-9: Paul really, really doesn’t like Adam
- Romans 10-13: Whadda you know, there is something decent in here after all…
- Romans 14-16: Thank God, this letter is OVER!
1 Corinthians
- 1 Corinthians 1-4: Paul -vs- everyone else
- 1 Corinthians 5-8: Poor Paul isn’t getting any
- 1 Corinthians 9-12: Sexism, thy name is Paul
- 1 Corinthians 13-16: Paul keeps chucking the first stones
2 Corinthians
- 2 Corinthians 1-3: Does Paul understand himself?
- 2 Corinthians 4-6: There’s something rotten in the State of Corinth
- 2 Corinthians 7-10: Paul’s massive ego trip
- 2 Corinthians 11-13: Paul the dictator
- Galatians 1-2: Relations cool between Peter and Paul
- Galatians 3-6: The return of Paul the lawyer
- Ephesians 1-4: Ephesians, the bible’s cure for insomnia
- Ephesians 5-6: Sexism in disguise?
- Philippians: Paul finds brevity?
- Colossians: New Testament Drinking Game
1 Thessalonians
- 1 Thessalonians 1-3: The Bible Is Not the Word of Paul. Seriously!
- 1 Thessalonians 4-5: Paul slowly sucks the color out of the gospel
2 Thessalonians
- 2 Thessalonians: Paul and the anti-Christ
1 Timothy
- 1 Timothy 1-3: Timothy didn’t write Timothy
- 1 Timothy 4-6: Paul was one f****d up dude
2 Timothy
- 2 Timothy: Paul’s letter was so nice, he wrote it twice
- Titus: The letter to Titus
- Philemon: The most forgettable book in the New Testament
Other letters
- Hebrews 1-2: Paul, let’s give someone else a chance to speak
- Hebrews 3-5: Hebrews was written for the Jews? I knew that. Seriously!
- Hebrews 6-8: Boring, boring, boring…
- Hebrews 9-11: By faith, this book was saved
- Hebrews 12-13: Damn, what’d Esau do to you?
1 Peter
- 1 Peter 1-2: Six of Peter, a half-dozen of Paul
- 1 Peter 3-5: Interchangeable apostles
2 Peter
- 2 Peter: What happens when the world doesn’t end?
1 John
- 1 John 1-2: My little children
- 1 John 3-5: Be excellent to each other
2 John, 3 John, Jude
- 2 John, 3 John, Jude: Three Rings for the elven-kings under the sky
Final book
- Revelation 1-2: Down the rabbit hole
- Revelation 3-5: John takes a spiritwalk
- Revelation 6-8: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- Revelation 9-11: Angels can be bad-asses!
- Revelation 12-15: The anti-Christ and the Beast
- Revelation 16-19: Babylon is about to get fucked up
- Revelations 20-22: One resurrection, two deaths and a thousand years
Time for goodbyes
- Conclusion: All good things…
The New Testament In Review series will always be on my blog, The entire series will be accessible via
Pingback: NTiR: Thank God, this letter is OVER! (Romans 14-16) - Biffster's World
Pingback: NTiR: Paul -vs- everyone else (I Corinthians 1-4) - Biffster's World
Pingback: NTiR: Poor Paul isn’t getting any… (1 Corinthians 5-8) - Biffster's World
Pingback: NTiR: Paul keeps chucking the first stones (1 Corinthians 13-16) - Biffster's World
Pingback: Does Paul understand himself? NTiR (2 Corinthians 1-3) - Biffster's World
Pingback: Relations cool between Peter and Paul – Galatians 1-2 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: The return of Paul the lawyer – Galatians 3-6 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: Ephesians, the bible’s cure for insomnia – Ephesians 1-4 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: Sexism in disguise? – Ephesians 5-6 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: Paul finds brevity? – Philippians (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: The Bible Is Not the Word of Paul. Seriously! – 1 Thessalonians 1-3 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: Paul slowly sucks the color out of the gospel – 1 Thessalonians 4-5 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: Paul and the anti-Christ 2 Thessalonians (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: Paul was one f****d up dude – 1 Timothy 4-6 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: The letter to Titus (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: The most forgettable book in the New Testament – Philemon (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: Paul, let’s give someone else a chance to speak – Hebrews 1-2 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: Hebrews was written for the Jews? I knew that. Seriously! – Hebrews 3-5 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: Boring, boring, boring… – Hebrews 6-8 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: By faith, this book was saved – Hebrews 9-11 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: Damn, what’d Esau do to you? – Hebrews 12-13 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: A return to Christ’s teachings – James 1-2 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: Christ’s message personified – James 3-5 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: Interchangeable apostles – 1 Peter 3-5 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: What happens when the world doesn’t end? (2 Peter) - Biffster's World
Pingback: Be excellent to each other – 1 John 3-5 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: Down the rabbit hole – Revelations 1-2 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: The Four Horsemen of the apocalypse – Revelations 6-8 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: The anti-Christ and the Beast – Revelations 12-15 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: Babylon is about to get fucked up – Revelations 16-19 (NTiR) - Biffster's World
Pingback: The end is here! (New Testament in Review) — Biffster's World
Pingback: Good weigh-in heading towards x-mas | Biffster's WeightJournal
Pingback: All good things must come to an end… NTiR — Biffster's World
Pingback: One resurrection, two deaths and a thousand years – Revelations 20-22 | Biffster's World
Pingback: Angels can be bad-asses! – Revelations 9-11 (NTiR) | Biffster's World
Pingback: John takes a spiritwalk – Revelations 3-5 (NTiR) | Biffster's World
Pingback: Three Rings for the elven-kings under the sky – 2 John, 3 John, Jude (NTiR) | Biffster's World
Pingback: Paul’s letter was so nice, he wrote it twice – 2 Timothy (NTiR) | Biffster's World