- Thank you once again for your invaluable service, @torideaux! I bought a pack of K-cups this weekend. Fresh Kona blend in the morn. Yummm! #
- #weightwatchers #weigh-in @Weightjournal. (@ WeightWatchers Lodo) http://4sq.com/fEw8K6 #
- Dinner time (@ IHOP – Englewood) [pic]: http://4sq.com/icdear #
- All good things must come to an end� NTiR http://bit.ly/eVYViU #
- Can’t tell you how much I ? the new Tweetdeck Chrome App. http://j.mp/fgeXAn #tweetdeck #chrome #
- If you love me, you’ll retweet my next tweet. 🙂 #
- All good things must come to an end� NTiR http://bit.ly/eVYViU #bible #newtestament #revelations #
- New techie blog post: Scribefire for Chrome! http://bit.ly/eOobiI #
- Switched my #wellsfargo account from #quicken to #kmymoney I ? Linux!!! #
- Too damned coldie in my basement! That’s one thing the office has over working from here… #
- listening to How Far Is Heaven by Los Lonely Boys on @Grooveshark: #nowplaying http://t.co/ABB8ZRv #
- re: #starbucks supposed new logo: Oh, god, let the “it’s an assault on #Christianity it’s encouraging #witchcraft quot; rants start! #
- True story for you, @torideaux. I set up my writing env. last night. Incense, music, etc. Sat down, heard a *POP* and my computer died. 🙁 #
- Yay! Rachel @maddow is back on her show! Though Chris Hayes @chrislhayes did a great job filling in. How long ‘til he has his own show? #
- #ff @twistedxtian, father extraordinaire and fellow weight watcher. #
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