- Snow, what snow? This isn't snow, it's white rain… #
- Cool, I just got my invite from about.me. My new Internet landing page: http://about.me/biffster #
- How much does my wife love me? Enough to buy me this: http://yfrog.com/ep88rcj #
- Bill Clinton is probably even a nasty, bad, naughty boy – Senator Larry "I want to have gay sex in an airport restroom" Craig #
- Just how badly does John McCain want to keep gays out of the military? http://bit.ly/9rVS0P (The Daily Show clip, 11/15) #
- AMEN!!! –> RT @melissaonline: Caffeine is proof that God loves us & wants us to pay attention. #
- Be excellent to each other 1 John 3-5 (NTiR) http://bit.ly/dDjekN #
- I liked a YouTube video — OK Go – This Too Shall Pass – Rube Goldberg Machine version … http://youtu.be/qybUFnY7Y8w?a #
- Check this video out — OK Go – This Too Shall Pass – Rube Goldberg Machine version – Official http://t.co/o4WpBUi via @youtube #
- Three Rings for the elven-kings under the sky 2 John, 3 John, Jude (NTiR) http://bit.ly/b3IhjY #
- "I think I need a hug… 🙁 " #
- Thanks for the hugs, everyone! Here's some right back for you. 🙂 #
- CSU Rams helmet @ Home http://instagr.am/p/T-cE/ #
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