- Huzzah!!! -> MSNBC says to reinstate Olbermann Tuesday night http://t.co/hQJIS2a via @cnn #
- Don't worry, my friend. Coffee makes *EVERYTHING* better! –> RT @melissaonline: This morning is NOT going well. Need more coffee… #
- What happens when the world doesnt end? (2 Peter) http://bit.ly/cPD4ck #
- Ummm… yes, she is. –> RT @Klassy_Kris: Racheal Ray, you are not as cute as you think you are. #
- The temp is now 15 degrees colder than when I left home at 6:00 this morn. brrrrr! (#denver) #
- Okay, I give up, where's the snow? Only a light dusting in Highlands Ranch, not much more here in LoDo #denver #coweather #
- My little children 1 John 1-2 (NTiR) http://bit.ly/bQHYIu #
- Wow, #googlevoice is down again? Really? #
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