- [sigh] more doc appts (@ Arapahoe Gastroenterology) http://4sq.com/c9qAVF #
- I'm at RTD – Mineral Park 'n Ride Station (3203 W. Mineral Ave, Mineral And Santa Fe, Littleton). http://4sq.com/89CaBd #
- Bummer part of taking light rail outside of rush hour: lotsa train transfers (@ RTD – Broadway & I-25 Station) http://4sq.com/buqNj6 #
- My son & I went to a CSU game last year, they won. Then lost their next 12 games. We went to the game ystrday the Rams win. Good luck charm? #
- Short work day! (@ Union Station) http://4sq.com/7YDMPJ #
- [yawn] there are some days that I really dislike working the morning shift… (@ RTD – Mineral Park 'n Ride Station) http://4sq.com/89CaBd #
- Happy Tuesday, everyone! #
- "I actually read the #Bible quite frequently. I like to scare the kids before bed." – Jon Stewart #
- Weight watchers weigh-in and mtg. Follow my other Twitter acct @weightjournal to see how I did. 🙂 (@ WeightWatchers Lodo) #
- For all of my parenting friends: what's a good activity to take a 2yo to for a father/daughter date night? #
- God I slept like crap last night. Second night in a row. Maybe need some chemical assistance tonight. http://4sq.com/89CaBd #
- Who wants to lay bets that Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity pulls in more people that Glenn Beck's rally? #
- Related news: Kohls to close 20 stores in 2012. RT @PostCrescent: Kohls to open 21 new stores create nearly 3000 jobs. http://bit.ly/dc6Z1Z #
- WTF? When'd we enter Bizzaro-world? RT @dadarocks: AOL buys Techcrunch. Oh boy there goes the neighborhood http://tcrn.ch/dkOqmo #
- On a date with my baby girl! (@ Panera Bread – River Point) http://4sq.com/bu2tgQ #
- Friday mornings are so weird. Oldest to daycamp, girls to babysitter, drive to light rail. I should probably wake up, too… #
- Saints went down in defeat. Bummer! (@ Northridge Park) http://4sq.com/aujGVA #
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