- Good morning, everyone! How goes the day? #
- Ugh. Lunesta really helps me sleep at night, but the hangover can be a bummer. And that metallic after-taste? 😛 #
- Remember The Phantom Edit? Can someone do that w/ #starwars ep. 2, removing all the "romance" scenes? The rest is pretty good. #
- Avanza has good stuff but they SUCK! -> RT @denverpost: Supermarket settles after admitting overcharging CO customers: http://dpo.st/bQ2NY9 #
- Two days 'til #rifftrax live. YAY YAY YAY!!!! @rifftrax , it'd better be worth the money! & the volume had better be louder than last time #
- Query: how much damage will Despicable Me do to a two year old? 🙂 #
- How's my day? ? "Show Me How" by Stacey Earle on @Grooveshark: http://tinysong.com/vQGK ? #nowplaying #
- Ephesians 5-6: Sexism in disguise? (NTiR) http://bit.ly/bJWLET #bible #ephesians #newtestament #sexism #
- Top o' the morning to ya! How goes things today everyone? #
- I've been living at the movie theater this wk. Tue "Despicable Me" with daughter, weds Inception w. wife, 2night #rifftrax live #
- Execllent job on #rifftrax live last night to @BillCorbett @kwmurphy @michaeljnelson @rifftrax. Time for an invisi-joint! #
- Thanks @WeightChica and @njrobynf for the #ff RTs #
- He really puts the "wad" in "gaywad" – #rifftrax #
- Hooray, apparently there'll be a fix soon for the #iphone 3g problems with iOS4. http://bit.ly/90E9hx #
- Yay, I applied to be the police chief of some town I've never heard of! Or something like that… http://bit.ly/9VKxQ6 #notme #fb #
- This made me chuckle: http://onion.com/a7xDcV #
- I <3 this article! RT @DenverWestword: Weirdest Breakfast Cereal Pop Culture Tie-Ins http://bit.ly/bQzaB6 #
- It never occurred to me that there'd be merchandising tie-ins for Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure… http://youtu.be/mcShwmRIejI #
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