- This was a weird way to start off a Monday, but I am on top of the day now, and I’m ready to ride it. Keep f****ing that chicken, y’all! #
- This was a weird way to start off a Monday, but I am on top of the day now, and I’m ready to ride it. Keep f*** … http://lnk.ms/3jFBl #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Whipped cream fight! http://bit.ly/5klVb #
- My new fave hair salon: Floyd’s. Lotsa hot, tattooed women wearing low-cut shirts who apparently have to bend over a lot. Best Haircut Ever! #
- My new fave hair salon: Floyd’s. Lotsa hot, tattooed women wearing low-cut shirts who apparently have to bend o … http://lnk.ms/2HWG2 #
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