- ? @weightjournal: #rifftraxlive in 2.5 hours. I *so* cannot wait!!! #highlandsranch AMC 24. in reply to weightjournal #
- #rifftrax “Look, I’m being you! ‘walking, walking, walking'” LOL! #
- The soul-crushingly long warroom scene in plan 9 seemed to put the #rifftrax crew into a daze, too. #
- To my followers: I am sry for the spam from Pirates game. The game keeps turning Twitter updates on after I turn them off. 🙁 #
- ? @davidsirota: We told you so: Ridge confirms 2004 Nation Cover story. See the cover here: http://tinyurl.com/ljwho2 in reply to davidsirota #
- I have had no crashes nor lost messages with #gwibber, but figuring out which acct a tweet is sent from is a major pain in the #ass #
- ? @Shoq: Senate should end the filibuster, and have "straight up or down votes." #thingsGOPnolongerbelieves in reply to Shoq #
- My only issue with #rifftraxlive last night: the volume in our theater was too low. Couldn’t hear a lot of riffs over laughter. #rifftrax #
- Use #seesmic desktop in #XFCE! http://bit.ly/OI9Ql #
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