- Hey, #amarok 1.4 can play m4a (AAC) files AND write them to my #iPod. God I love using #linux. #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “Wow, they have GIGANTIC gophers on that planet…” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, every building looked like a penis!” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “He even WALKS blandly!” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “Look, the diva from The Fifth Element is on a date with the Vitamin King” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “So they’re just going to sit around in those theater seats and make snide remarks? Those bastards!’ <— LOL #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “Did this movie OD on Ambien? C’mon, step it up!” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “Chance the gardener would make a better Dark Lord!” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “This is the dullest podcast I’ve ever heard!” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “Don’t worry, that’s just Ana-crap there to do nothing and be whiny.” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “See, the problem is that the Chancellor is not properly grounded.” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “‘What’ve I done?’ Well, you’ve ruined two movies, crapped on the franchise…” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “Hey, the lights from The Natural are getting away!” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “He’s crying ‘cuz while murdering everyone he stubbed his toe.” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “We can live on murder… er, I mean love. LOVE! I always get them confused…” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “DORK POSE!!!” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “Thanks for scheduling our confrontation on a lava planet.” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “Captain Kirk kick. Captain Kirk double-kick!” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “The burning midichlorians must leave a horrible stench in the air.” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “Killer entrance, Bra, but only humans get to sit up front.” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “They’re on the little platform that can!” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “I wish I were never immaculately conceived.” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “Space vultures sure got here quick!” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “Would you want to live in a world where there’s nobody to hold you like they did on the shores of Naboo?” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “Sorry, what was that? Leia just wet all over me…” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “In a tribute of mourning, the planet has been renamed Naboo-hoo-hoo.” #
- #rifftrax of #starwars Ep III: “Didn’t Disney get in trouble for putting one of those buildings in The Little Mermaid?” #
- It’s weird to listen to a #rifftrax of a movie that I actually like, e.g. #starwars Revenge of the Sith. They point out flaws I didn’t see #
- I now remember why I really liked Star Wars Revenge of the Sith. There’s some flaws, but for the most part, the movie rocks hard. #fb #
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