- RT @usetoberepub: RT @DellaAtlanta: My friend has started telling people to “Stop being such a Cheney” #
- PRT @BuzzEdition: RT @Lotay: U.S. to require new cars get 42 mpg (MSNBC) http://viigo.im/CeN <– SWEET!!! #
- re sex: “You can squelch it and contour it and regulate it, but it’s an impulse that continues to come forth” – Abraham Hicks #
- .@nsurvoy Nope, not really. 🙂 in reply to nsurvoy #
- He understands that the universe is forever out of control, and that trying to dominate events goes against the current of the Tao. (DdC 30) #
- Ugh, have I mentioned how much I hate MySpace nowadays? #
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