- Dr’s appt now. Fast drive, forgot how fast i can go when there is no traffic. #fb #
- Spent over $400 on my eyes this weekend. 😛 got a year supply of contacts + 2 pair of pretty nice glasses. #fb #
- On the train, heading off to Peaberry Coffee, then a 20 min. Walk to work. #
- For some reason, #seesmic desktop keeps not pulling my data from Twitter, no old nor new tweets, no replies, no DMs. Facebook status works. #
- RT @anamariecox: Jeffrey Sachs: “Some ppl say the solution 2 healthcare is to charge 4 services. That’s a good way to kill a lot of people.” #
- RT @colombiancoffee: RT @rosieandtheband: RT @BreakingNews BULLETIN — DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA VOTES TO RECOGNIZE SAME-SEX MARRIAGES!! (soon) #
- Hey, I’m climbing the ranks on Cursebird! I want to break into the 5-digit rankings before the end of May! 😀 http://cursebird.com/biffster #
- RT @colombiancoffee: We WILL accept gay marriage, just like we accepted abolition, race equality, and gender equality! SUCK IT @NOMTWEETS #
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