Tag Archives: Race

Mom arrested in prostitution sting… in Highlands Ranch?

By | March 14, 2008

Highlands Ranch mom arrested in prostitution sting – The Denver PostA Highlands Ranch mother has been arrested on suspicion of prostitution and child abuse after authorities received complaints that prostitution might be occurring at the woman’s home. The suspect is identified as Sheri Sims, 39, who lives in the 10000 block of South Cedaridge Court,… Read More »

Racist joke leaves em gasping

By | January 20, 2008

So Bill Farr attempted to tell a joke, and ended up making a racist statement which offended most everyone in the room (from the Rocky Mountain News): William R. Farr was pretending to read telegrams congratulating this years award recipient, University of Colorado President Hank Brown, when he pulled out a piece of paper and… Read More »

More racist ideas from possibly-racist Tancredo

By | January 26, 2007

Now as I’ve said before, I don’t know this for certain, but I am fairly certain that Tom Tancredo is a racist. How else can you explain most of his anti-immigrant stances, or his racist-tending ideas? For example, 9NEWS reports that Tancredo wants to have the black and Hispanic congressional caucuses abolished. Apparently, Tancredo believes… Read More »

Open letter to Ted Harvey

By | August 6, 2006

After the disgusting behavior during the “debate” about illegal immigration during the special session here in Colorado, I was inspired to write the following letter to my local Representative, Ted Harvey: Mr. Harvey, As a resident in your district, I am shocked and embarrassed at your statements about illegal immigration. Your statement about Mexican gangas… Read More »