Tag Archives: Iraq

Usenet rant about Iraq

By | May 15, 2007

I spend quite a bit of time on Usenet newsgroups. I mostly stick around the linux-based groups, but every now and then poke my head into other groups, such as alt.politics.democrat. I stumbled into a conversation, and came up with a fairly good rant. Good enough to repost here… Date: Fri, 04 May 2007 14:23:38 -0500From:… Read More »

Iraq War Demonstration: 1/27/2007, 12:00pm @ Capitol bldg, Denver

By | January 23, 2007

Iraq War Demonstration: Saturday, January 27th at noon, on the west steps of the Capitol in Denver, there will be a demonstration in favor of peace in Iraq, diplomatic solutions to the current conflict and the safe return of American troops. For those who favor a change in the policy that our administration has been… Read More »