Weekly Archive

By | July 11, 2010
  • “Nice πŸ˜‰ RT @infidelqueen #tatatuesday http://twitpic.com/22xugg" -@Jesmi69 // yeah they are! πŸ˜‰ #
  • RT @courtkneerawks: Every time I hear "In the Air Tonight” I have a sudden urge to pee in Mike Tyson’s pool and steal a cop car. <– LMAO! #
  • It’s gonna be one of those mornings where I don’t move from the coffee pot. #insomnia #
  • It’s gonna be one of those mornings where I don’t move from the coffee pot. #insomnia #
  • New techie blog post: iPhone 3g and iOS 4 http://bit.ly/8XcV5f #
  • Finally, the Coast Guard is doing its job: threatening reporters with prison time and $40k fines. http://ow.ly/27EPI /via @BPGlobalPR <- LOL #
  • RT @Syfy: Reminder, I’m giving away my #Syfy Flip UltraHD camcorder to someone who RTs this note by 5pm PT on 7/9. http://twitpic.com/22y6ls #
  • +1 RT @artbynemo just moved “play with huge fake boobs” in front of “visit grand canyon” on my bucket list #
  • RT @tessasdad @twistedxtian: Dear fellow Christians: Please stop telling ppl you can fix the fact that they are gay, like it is a problem. #
  • RT @DaddyYoEffinRox RT @biffster: New blog post: Paul -vs- everyone else (I Corinthians 1-4) http://bit.ly/a0n3tW #bible <– Thanks John! #
  • I am not a Mac/OS X guy, but I have to say that #nambu is *THE* best Twitter client I’ve ever used. #
  • I am not a Mac/OS X guy, but I have to say that #nambu is *THE* best Twitter client I’ve ever used. #
  • Hmmm… should I group @todayshow as News or “News” ? #
  • RT @KateHarding RT @AmandaMarcotte RT @kombiz Wow DOMA just got struck down in court – http://bit.ly/9FZq8t #
  • RT @FrankConniff The next time life gives me lemons, I’m going to throw them at Sharron Angle – http://tiny.cc/k18tk <– LMAO!!! #
  • #ff @rnbetty ‘cuz she writes “tart,” @ms_stiletto for awesomeness, @chris_kasten a Denver geek and @snowkitten ‘cuz EVERY1 should follow her #
  • #ff @jesmi69 a former Colorado valley resident. And she’s kinda mean sometimes. πŸ™‚ #
  • RT @1HottMommyof3 RT @FreakyFact: You can lose 5-10 pounds a year, just by having sex 10 times a month. Now that’s an interesting #SexDiet #
  • RT @HomerJSimpson IΒ’m gonna become a bank and ask for Federal bailout money. ItΒ’s obvious IΒ’m too fat to fail. #
  • #whyivote To keep loonies like Michelle Bachman out of Colorado. #
  • Hello @paparocks6! I am a fellow father, tweeter and blogger. πŸ™‚ #
  • RT @IAm1HotMess A man will pay $10 for $5 item he needs. Woman will pay $5 for $10 item she doesn’t need, because it’s on sale.THAT is so me #
  • Another daddy blogger! Thanks for the follow, @Daddymojo. πŸ™‚ #

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