In our last entry, Paul pulled out a number of tricks from his “How to Keep Followers” bag. Paul tried buttering up the Corinthians, then guilting them about one of their members who had started sinning. He even plays the “my religion is better than your religion” card, stating that Jesus has more glory than Moses, so the Corinthians should abandon their Judaic ways. Will any of those tactic works?
I don’t know, actually. I reckon we’ll learn more about the results of this letter indirectly in Galatians or one of the future letters. For now, all we know is that Paul still has the floor.
Chapter 5To tell you the truth, I kinda fell asleep half-way into this chapter. Paul has this annoying habit of saying something, then saying it again in slightly different words, then saying it again in slightly different sentences. Once through is enough for me. Reading the same idea three times within a 21-verse chapter?
Anyway, people have a tent here and a heavenly home in gods kingdom. We want to shed our tent (die) and move off to heaven, but to do that we have to suffer and try and spread gods word.
Chapter 6Now, unless I am reading this chapter wrong, Paul is basically saying that the church in Corinth should not be as welcoming of newcomers as it is (Stop becoming unevenly yoked with unbelievers) and should fall into step with what Paul and his followers say! (We have not cut you off, but you have cut off your own feelings toward us.)
Apparently there is something rotten in the state of Corinth…
Up next: ????Paul’s massive ego trip
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