- Currently stuck in my head: "Oh, Streetcar!" (Simpsons). I blame Rea. š http://ping.fm/l1Jyy #
- Currently stuck in my head: "Oh, Streetcar!" (Simpsons). I blame Rea. š http://lnk.ms/3sv2k #
- Does the Republican Party leadership have no shame? What's next: asking Pres Obama to resign 'cuz he once ordered a hamburger at Taco Bell? #
- New techie blog post: links for 2010-01-11 http://apt-get.biffster.org/2010/01/11/links-for-2010-01-11/ #
- This is some serious gourmet shit! Usually [I] would be happy with some freeze-dried Taster's Choice.. (Pulp Fiction) #
- This is some serious gourmet shit! Usually [I] would be happy with some freeze-dried Taster's Choice.. (Pulp Fiction) #
- RT @mobiusbanned: @Shoq It's pretty much decided… Sarah Palin is just another pretty space. #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Denver Stock Show parade (continued) http://youtu.be/m23DqUSRs2E?a #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Denver Stock Show parade (continued) http://youtu.be/Z5427aVoL08?a #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Denver Stock Show parade (continued) http://youtu.be/QOQNXm7fsTI?a #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Denver Stock Show parade (continued) http://youtu.be/WjgwdsPVSgk?a #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Denver Stock Show parade (continued) http://youtu.be/iTrnP71P5PY?a #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Denver Stock Show parade http://youtu.be/nQOlMxYc_Sw?a #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Denver Stock Show parade (continued) http://youtu.be/G6Qpb6JYCDs?a #
- RT @Tx4Obama Update- Obama campaign promises: 91 Kept, 259 In the Works, Obameter http://tinyurl.com/22mec2 #
- Losing battle to stay awake. Must… sleep…… soon…….. [yawn] #
- RT @shawnz: Ricky Gervais quits Twitter! http://ow.ly/WOzV (In other news, Ricky Gervais was on Twitter!) <– LMAO! #
- You *really* need some coffee if you spill your cup of coffee on the coffee shop counter before you have a chance to drink any. #
- RT @TheMommyBlog: trying to sell my wedding ring & some art 2 pay back premiums. Any buyers? #aetna is not improving quality of life <– š #
- RT @utbrp: A Big Mack and fries for anyone that puts a curse on Rush Limbaugh. #
- RT @cbs4denver: Kiddie Kandids shut doors this month http://is.gd/6kSQw -2 local employees were able 2 rescue some pics-looking 4families #
- RT @delrayser: Beck's right, Obama IS dividing the nation by reacting quickly on Haiti: sane people in one group, Beck & Rush in the other. #
- Ever have one of those months where you don't feel creative at all, but want to pass along everything that catches your eye? RT crazy. š #
- (sigh) ever know that the laptop you are tryin to fix is toast but u don't wanna admit defeat? #
- (sigh) ever know that the laptop you are tryin to fix is toast but u don't wanna admit defeat? #
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