- it doesn’t work when it is forced. when you actively search for it when you have an agenda it never works. – Ms. Jade Li #
- RT @Syfy: Syfy turns 17 today! So I’m giving out Syfy t-shirts to 5 random people who RT this note by 5pm ET on 9/25. #
- Trying out #JungleDisk for off-site backup. Pushing out a few gigs of stuff right now. More to follow. @jungledisk #
- Switched from #gwibber back to #seesmic desktop. I like gwibber, but Seesmic is better, and will correctly in #xfce now. #
- RT @MicCheckRadio @thinkprogress Bush off’s objected awarding Rowling Medal of Honor bc H.Potter promotes ‘witchcraft’ http://bit.ly/1X2YRR #
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