- RT @melissaonline: Reading: How to spot a Twitter user with a Fake Follower Count: http://bit.ly/efD4B in reply to melissaonline #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Slideshow – my 38th birthday party http://bit.ly/14DMQH #
- RT @MicCheckRadio Can we say Gov. Sanford is found if his location on the Appalachian Trail is unknown? http://tinyurl.com/mfrvfc in reply to MicCheckRadio #
- RT @blickbuster: The Cop: “Anything you say will be held against you.” The Man: “Boobs” (via @funnyoneliners) in reply to blickbuster #
- Sry to anyone getting duplicates of my msgs. I am using a new Twitter client (Gwibber) and still learning its eccentricities #
- RT CNetNews: Reports: Steve Jobs returns to Apple http://tinyurl.com/manfrp #
- RT @WeeLaura @verucablue Sanford sends secret thank U note to Cheney 4 letting him &the 1-armed man stay at the undisclosed location this wk #
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