- yery disappointed in #quickenonline when it was released, but I now can’t get by without it. Good job, @quickenonline! #
- Star Wars: Clone Wars – both the movie and the show on Cartoon Network – are most excellent. Better than Ep I #
- Getting ready for the work week. Garth Brooks needs a new song: “Just give me Dos Mojitos / Necesito una para cada mano” #
- Keith Olbermann’s tribute to Time Russert was amazing, sweet and honest and heartfelt. http://bit.ly/nkGNr #
- Why is it I haven’t heard of the UFL ‘til now? #
- Storm clouds here in Denver: http://bit.ly/zZ4w2 #
- Another scary storm pic from #Denver. Tornadoes SUCK!!! http://bit.ly/POdBT #
- Another #tornado pic from #Denver. WTF is up with the weather this month? http://bit.ly/cHoZg #
- http://twitpic.com/7hmf2 – Trying this again: via 9news.com: #
- Major changes at eMusic. Good or bad? We’ll find out in a month… http://bit.ly/J5LoJ #
- RT @goodlaura: RT @GoodDayWeekend: Twitter reschedules downtime to help Iran protestors: http://ow.ly/ejtN #
- RT @CNETNews: Weird Al takes on Craigslist, the Doors http://tinyurl.com/mcxrwl #
- RT @Shoq: If Obama can cave on DOMA, DADT and Gitmo by month 5, what hope is there for health care. Color me worried. #p2 #
- RT @melissaonline: “1’s dignity may be assaulted, vandalized & cruelly mocked, but can’t be taken away unless surrendered.” ~ Michael J. Fox #
- It’s official: Zicam Cold Remedy can definitely fuck up a person’s sense of smell. http://bit.ly/QmmHV #
- ? STOP! I wanna go home / take off this uniform and leave the show… #
- RT @jtdachtler: Cowards die many times before their actual deaths. Julius Caesar #
- ? He caught a bullet in his bubblegoose / You can be at the party gettin’ loose / But you can catch a bullet in your goose #
- Whoa, mp3blaster can play .ogg, too. It never occurred to me to try ‘til today. Now if only I could get my iPod to play .ogg… #
- Bill OReilly – “I would never condemn you for saying it. You’re misguided, you have blood on your hands…” Reality is funnier than Stewart! #
- Colin, erin and I had a water fight yesterday afternoon. My shoes are still squishy, and me feet are FREEZING! #
- RT @doctorow @greatdismal Can you imagine Bush killing that fly? Other than by accidentally swallowing it? #
- Thank you #squarespace (@squarespace?) for sponsoring #twit. #
- RT @SpiritualShow @thelocogirl Jon and Kate Gosselin have an announcement.