Those of us in Denver are being over-saturated with news on the upcoming trade of Jay Cutler. Between the Denver Post, the local news stations and various blogs, we know every little detail that leaks out. But I haven’t seen a lot of commentary about what this means for Jay and the team.
Obviously, this is going to make Jay Cutler and even richer kid. He is going to make an incredible amount of money on this; there are a lot of teams who would be willing to mortgage their future to get Cutler as their starting QB. Even with Jay’s prima donna tendencies (getting upset because the coach talked about a trade? Crybaby!), he’ll be an asset somewhere. And Jay will probably end up in an organization that’ll allow him to throw the ball anywhere he wants to anyone he wants. (Hopefully, he’ll throw it to his receivers more often and the defense less often.)
But this is also a win for Josh McDaniels. Jay is a run-and-gun QB who is ingrained with the Mike Shanahan’s West Coast Offense. There would be major issues trying to get Jay used to the new, Patriot-style offense. Cutler wouldn’t be happy, but more than that, fans would be complaining that McDaniels was being foolish not taking advantage of Cutler’s skills. McDaniels would have a very tough sell for his new offensive sceme. With Cutler gone, however, McDaniels gets a clean slate for the offense. He gets to put in his style offense without taking a lot of risks. We Broncos fans will forgive a lot this season, since there’ll be a new coaching staff, a new offensive scheme AND a new QB. Remove any of those three factors, and you have a bunch of really pissed-off Broncos fans. But all three together? That’ll temper the reaction.
This is going to be an interesting season.