- Wow, C just asked if he could take a nap. I can’t remember the last time he did that. Poor little man. #
- How friggin’ awesome was it to see Rob Cordry drop by The Daily Show? #
- All three kids napped ’til after 6:00. I can never decide whether to let sick kiddos nap really late. #
- Sylar saying “Mommy” on #Heroes? I thought the whole “daddy search” thing was bad enough… #
- #bsg was… hmmm…. I’ll have to think on it a bit. It still seems like a lot more talking ’bout stuff than actually showing anything. #
- #bsg maybe they needed to save on budget so they could spend it all on the last two eps? #
- just finished cleaning, now paying bills. This day could definitely be more fun… #
- #rifftrax: “Hermione casts the ‘give Ron a boner’ spell.” God, I love the genius’s at http://rifftrax.com #
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