Microblogging from Twitter on: 2009-03-05

By | March 5, 2009
  • Day: Good. Week: half-over. tonight? dinner with friends. #
  • For all of us who miss the Rocky Mountain News: http://www.iwantmyrocky.com/ #
  • On the train heading home. Have a good eve’n, everyone. #
  • Jon Stewart: “If I listened to CNBC, I could’ve had a million dollars… assuming I started with $100 million.” #
  • RT @Karoli: I don’t mind being called a socialist. After all, half my 401k and my job was sacrificed to the capitalists. payback’s a bitch. #
  • Republican leaders are guilty of transference: They’re trying to create a distraction, so they accuse the Dems of doing so. #
  • Z had a temp of 104, plus body aches. C has a slightly high temp, congestion and cough. D had tmp and runny nose. Long wknd ahead, I think. #
  • I’ve spent a lot of the morning trying to destroy a hard drive. I don’t think the platters can survive multiple 6’ drops. #

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