- Identi.ca: So, so, so cold this morning. brrrrr. Waiting for bus was misery. #
- If it’s true that Barack Obama really is a terrorist, then we have the worst Department of Homeland Security in the universe. http://tin … #
- If it’s true that Barack Obama really is a terrorist, then we have the worst Department of Homeland Security in the universe. (dailykos) #
- @keptwench – My wifey had my backpack for her trip to Buffalo. The sacrifices we’ll make for love. 🙂 #
- @johnnymags – You sexist! 🙂 #
- @quickenonline – Wells Fargo sync problems. I’m able to sync my acct with WF initially, then never again. And without WF, it’s no use to me. #
- Two cellphones, left both at home yesterday, both are completely out of juice today. Don’t like being out of contact like that! #
- Identi.ca: Early voting in Colorado nxt 2 wks. I voted ystrday. Count 1 vote for Obama. 🙂 #
- @CaliLewis – definitely be safe. But no Denver meetup? 🙁 #
- If everyone actually votes between now and the 4th, Obama is a shoo-in. (<a href=”http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27297013/”>msnbc</a>) #
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