We endorse Bill Ritter

By | September 17, 2006

In case you hadn’t noticed already, we endorse Bill Ritter for Governor. There’s many reasons why, including the fact that we really love his ‘Colorado Opportunity Pledge’:

  • Taking Colorado from the bottom 10 states in terms of child immunizations to the top 10 within two years.
  • Working toward health-care coverage for all by introducing a legislative reform package within a year of taking office.
  • Establishing a more efficient state budgeting process and more effective management system that has saved 2% to 6% of general-fund spending in other states.
  • Revamping Colorado’s transportation system and examining the transportation-funding structure so that we can solve the state’s biggest transportation-related needs, including the I-70 mountain corridor.
  • Getting more children into early childhood education, injecting renewed rigor and relevance into our K-12 system, and keeping college affordable – all designed to provide Colorado companies with the best-educated workforce in the nation.
  • Establishing Colorado as a national renewable-energy leader by maximizing our sustainable resources, such as sun, wind, and agricultural crops.

Ritter is a very level-headed, intelligent, articulate, personable candidate, and I think he would make a very good governor. He will undo some of the crap that Bill Owens has put the state through, while instituting new, needed policies (especially his renewable-energy plank).

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