Ken Salazar continues to be an enigma in the Senate. Is he a soon-to-be Republican? Is he a Democrat who’s been forced into backing the administration to try to guarantee re-election next time he’s up? Or is he the Senator who acutally has the balls to stand up and call Bush a wanna-be dictator?
“This president, frankly, sometimes acts like a king,” Salazar said. “He’s imperious. He believes he controls Washington and controls our country, and does so sometimes in a way that, it’s his way or the highway, and doesn’t take into account what other people are thinking…when they have a different point of view or are (from) a different party.”
Salazar wants the president to take an unprecedented step of publicly releasing its so-called “short list” of Supreme Court candidates before making an official nomination, which could come at any time.
“I have never filibustered a judicial nominee and I hope that I never have to,” Salazar said. “I’d hope that if the president does move forward with someone like Janice Rogers Brown, many Republicans would join us in basically telling the president, ‘No, we won’t accept somebody who is professionally unqualified and is an ideologue…'”
Strong words from Salazar. Will he stand by them if someone like Rogers-Brown is nominated for the high court? My gut says that he will not. But I’ll keep my fingers crossed.