Monthly Archives: August 2005

Intelligent Design in Colorado schools? *PLEASE* tell me it isn’t so!

By | August 17, 2005

I was shocked and horrified that the state legislature is actually going to discuss whether or not Intelligent Design should be taught in Colorado schools. Intelligent friggin’ Design! When exactly did our education system slip back in time 80 years? Fortunately, hopefully, the Democratic majority in the state congress will quickly vote this down. But… Read More » knowingly deceiving Coloradoans

By | August 9, 2005

If you take a stroll over to you’ll find, among other falsehoods and misleading statements, a link to request a “no refund for you” bumpersticker. Which I find amazingly deceitful. If Colorado Referendum C were to pass this election year, Colorado taxpayers who pay too much in taxes during a tax year would still… Read More »

What god did the Boy Scouts piss off?

By | August 4, 2005

To paraphrase Douglas Adams, it appears that there is a God who is up to mischief. But what god? Hard to say, but whichever god it is, he or she or it is obviously pissed off at the Boy Scouts. Need proof? Over the last two weeks, the following has happened to the Boy Scouts… Read More »